5 Warning Signs You Have Mold in Your House

When it comes to homeownership, there are certain issues that you always need to get a handle on. Structural issues and cleanliness are two matters that can become problematic to your property if they’re not quickly remedied or kept under control. Depending on the severity, a mold infestation can create both of those problems, in addition to others. But what are the signs of mold? How do you know when it’s time to call up a mold removal professional? We’re happy to explain. Keep reading to learn more about the signs that mold in your house might be a problem.
1. You Notice Discoloration on Surfaces
The first thing you’ll typically notice is discoloration on surfaces in your home. Mold typically breeds places like walls, floors, and other surfaces. The discoloration may vary, from different shades of green or yellow to brown or even black mold.
Some of the most common forms of mold that you’ll see develop in your home include Aspergillus, Epicoccum nigrum, Geomyces pannorum, and various types of toxic black mold.
2. Mold and Mildew Odors Are Pervasive
If you don’t see it, you’ll likely smell it. Mold tends to have a pungent, earthy, stale odor, like old wet laundry or dirty socks.
When you’re smelling strong mildew odors, it’s very likely that mold is right around the corner. You might need to look into an air purification system to also help you get rid of any odors.
3. Your Home Recently Experienced Excessive Moisture
In most cases, mold breeds due to excessive moisture that was allowed to sit. This moisture, when mixed with warm temperatures, can breed mold at rapid speeds.
Maybe your area deals with tropical storms and hurricanes regularly. Perhaps you’ve been dealing with a leaky roof, a flood, or you’ve had a plumbing emergency in your home recently. When excessive moisture isn’t quickly put under control, there’s a good chance that you’re about to also have a mold problem on your hands.
4. Allergic Reactions and Illnesses Are Bugging You
Another reason untreated mold is troublesome is that it can affect your health. When you’re constantly breathing in mold, it taints your indoor air and can trigger respiratory problems.
Roughly 50 million people per year deal with allergies. Expect your allergies to get much worse if you have a mold issue in your house. You may also find yourself getting ill or even dealing with skin rashes as the result of a mold outbreak.
5. A Mold Inspector Checked it Out
Finally, the main way to know that you have mold is by getting your home inspected. They’ll come to your home and use their instruments and expertise to find the exact location and type of mold that you have in your household.
Book one of these inspections if you think you have mold, and make sure you’re ready to follow up with the subsequent mold remediation work that you’ll need.
Handle the Spread of Mold in Your House
The tips above are some warning signs that you likely have mold in your house. It’s best to fix your mold issue as quickly as possible once you realize there’s an issue.
When you’re looking for help with mold, or if you’d like to get your indoor air quality under control, we’re the company that you should lean on.
Take the time to contact us on the web, or call our offices at (910)405-8125.